HP500D PP 巴塞尔
更新:2025-01-31 09:20 编号:12038092 发布IP: 浏览:18次- 发布企业
- 苏州塑正塑化有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:苏州塑正塑化有限公司组织机构代码:91320585346488234A
- 报价
- 请来电询价
- 型号
- HP500D
- 产地
- 巴塞尔
- 关键词
- HP500D PP 巴塞尔
- 所在地
- 太仓市浮桥镇新港中路2号6-5-6室
- 联系电话
- 13592777159
- 手机
- 15217378667
- 经理
- 易林芳 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
Polypropylene Compounds
Polypropylenecompounds are thermoplastic resins produced using a blend of one ormore base polyolefins with various components such as impactmodifiers, fillers and reinforcements, pigments and additives.These Polypropylene Compounds offer a broad range ofcharacteristics and are used in a wide variety of customerapplications for automotive, electrical appliances, buildingand construction and furniturecomponents.
Polypropylene, High Crystallinity
Highcrystallinity polypropylene, a thermoplastic resin produced fromthe polymerization of propylene, has several end-use applications,such as thermoforming, cast film, BOPP, TWIM containers and generalinjection molding.
Polypropylene, Homopolymer
Polypropylenehomopolymers are thermoplastic resins produced through thepolymerization of propylene with Ziegler-Nattacatalysts.
Thehomopolymers can be used in different processing technologies, suchas injection molding, blow molding, film, fiber, sheet extrusionand thermoforming.
LyondellBaselloffers a wide range of homopolymers providing a broad set ofproperties to meet the market needs in packaging, household goods,textiles, film, healthcare, and, pipe as well as applications inthe automotive and electrical industries.
Polypropylene, Impact Copolymer
Thepolypropylene impact copolymers are thermoplastic resins producedthrough the polymerization of propylene and ethylene by usingZiegler Natta catalysts. Their synthesis consists of a heterophasicamorphous structure inside a semi-crystalline PP homopolymermatrix.
The impactcopolymers can be transformed by different processing technologieslike injection molding, blow molding, film, fiber, sheet extrusionand thermoforming.
Due to theirbroad range of properties, impact copolymers from LyondellBasellare used in packaging, houseware, film, and pipe applications, aswell as in the automotive and electricalsegments.
Polypropylene, Random Copolymer
Polypropylenerandom copolymers are thermoplastic resins produced through thepolymerization of propylene, with ethylene or butene bondsintroduced in the polymer chain. The resins provide a broad rangeof characteristics, and are used in a wide range ofapplications.
Typicalcustomer applications include:
成立日期 | 2015年08月10日 | ||
法定代表人 | 卿小叶 | ||
注册资本 | 200 | ||
主营产品 | 通用塑料;工程塑料;热塑弹性体 | ||
经营范围 | 经销塑胶原料及制品,化工原料及产品。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) | ||
公司简介 | 苏州塑正塑化有限公司是集塑胶原料、进出口为一体的综合性一般纳税人资格企业,经营泛用塑胶原料、工程塑胶原料.专业塑胶原料代理商,公司自成立以来公司本着质量第一,信誉第一,价格合理之宗旨开展经营活动,业务遍布全国各地,深受广大客户欢迎。在同行中已形成自己独有的经营风格,树立起良好的口碑,公司自成立以来,积极开拓市场,业务辐射全国,并与国内外大型塑胶生产商建立了长期及好的合作关系,主营业务:工程塑料,通 ... |
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