PFA 美国杜邦 440HP 注塑级 热稳定 耐高温 耐腐蚀
更新:2025-01-22 07:00 编号:19159578 发布IP: 浏览:50次- 发布企业
- 深圳市绿点塑胶原料有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第2年主体名称:深圳市绿点塑胶原料有限公司组织机构代码:91440300078968281L
- 报价
- 人民币¥251.00元每千克
- 品牌
- 美国杜邦
- 型号
- 440HP
- 产地
- 美国
- 关键词
- PFA 美国杜邦 440HP,注塑级,热稳定,耐高温,耐腐蚀
- 所在地
- 深圳市龙华区观湖街道樟溪社区下围工业区一路 6 号智谷 C1 栋 213A
- 联系电话
- 0755-21047619
- 手机
- 18819106372
- 销售经理
- 刘春梅 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
PFA 美国杜邦 440HP 注塑级 热稳定 耐高温 耐腐蚀
Chemours Teflon? PFA Grade 440 HP Extrusion and MoldingResin
DuPont? Teflon? PFA 440 HP fluoropolymer is a special purposeresin available in clear, 2.5-mm (0.1-in.) pellets. This resin is achemically modified form of Teflon? PFA 340 that combines many ofthe benefits of the parent resin with several new ones. Theadditional benefits may include enhanced purity, improved thermalstability while processing, and chemical inertness, for example, toozonated fluids.
The enhanced purity of Teflon? PFA 440 HP makes it suitable forapplications that require improved color, lower extractablefluorides, and freedom from other foreign materials. This productcontains no additives and is designed for hostile chemicalenvironments where purity in the parts-per-billion range is needed.Examples are in semiconductor manufacture, fluid handling systemsfor industry or life sciences, and instrumentation for precisemeasurements of fluid systems.
The improved thermal stability of Teflon? PFA 440 HP results inreduced amounts of bubbles in final parts and decreased corrosionof processing equipment. Teflon? PFA 440 HP combines the processingease of conventional thermoplastics with properties similar tothose of polytetrafluoroethylene. Properly processed products madefrom neat Teflon? PFA 440 HP resin provide the superior propertiestypical of fluoropolymer resins: retention of properties afterservice at 260°C (500°F), useful properties at –196°C (–320°F), andchemical inertness to nearly all industrial chemicals and solvents.Dielectric properties are excellent. Molded products have moderatestiffness and high ultimate elongation.
Three categories (A, B, and D) of Teflon? PFA 440 HP resincovering a broad range of melt flow rates (MFR) are available. Thelow MFR resin provides a higher degree of stress crack resistancewhile the high MFR resin is easier to process. In a flamesituation, products of Teflon? PFA 440 HP resist ignition and donot themselves promote flame spread. When ignited by flame fromother sources, their contribution of heat is very small and addedat a slow rate with very little smoke.
Statements, or data, regarding behavior in a flame situation arenot intended to reflect hazards presented by this or any othermaterial when under actual fire conditions.
Applications for Teflon? PFA 440 HP include tubing; unsupportedpipe or pipe linings for production of ultrapure chemicals;semiconductor component and fluid handling systems forhighperformance chemical filters.
Chemours was formed from former DuPont performance chemicalsbusinesses, including DuPont Fluoroproducts, in 2015.
Chemours Teflon? PFA Grade 440 HP Extrusion and Molding Resin物性表
物理性能 | 额定值 (公制) | 额定值 (英制) | 测试 |
比重 | 2.12 - 2.17 g/cc | 2.12 - 2.17 g/cc | ASTM D792 |
吸水率 | = 0.030 % | = 0.030 % | 24 hours; ASTM D570 |
熔体流动速率 | 14 - 19 g/10 min | 14 - 19 g/10 min | ASTM D3307 |
机械性能 | 额定值 (公制) | 额定值 (英制) | 测试 |
肖氏硬度 (邵氏 D) | 55 | 55 | ASTM D2240 |
极限抗拉强度 | 25.0 MPa | 3630 psi | ASTM D3307 |
14.0 MPa @Temperature 250 °C | 2030 psi @Temperature 482 °F | ASTM D3307 | |
抗张强度(屈服) | 13.8 MPa | 2000 psi | ASTM D3307 |
伸长率 (断裂) | 300 % | 300 % | ASTM D3307 |
480 % @Temperature 250 °C | 480 % @Temperature 482 °F | ASTM D3307 | |
弯曲模量 | 0.590 GPa | 85.6 ksi | ASTM D790 |
0.030 GPa @Temperature 250 °C | 4.4 ksi @Temperature 482 °F | ASTM D790 | |
悬壁梁缺口冲击强度 | NB | NB | ASTM D256 |
电气性能 | 额定值 (公制) | 额定值 (英制) | 测试 |
体积电阻率 | 1.00e+18 ohm-cm | 1.00e+18 ohm-cm | ASTM D257 |
表面电阻率 | = 1.00e+17 ohm | = 1.00e+17 ohm | ASTM D257 |
介电常数 | 2.03 @Frequency 60.0 - 1.00e+6 Hz | 2.03 @Frequency 60.0 - 1.00e+6 Hz | ASTM D150 |
介电强度 | 80.0 kV/mm @Thickness 0.0250 mm | 2030 kV/in @Thickness 0.000984 in | Short time; ASTM D149 |
耗散因数 | 0.00010 @Frequency 60.0 - 1.00e+6 Hz | 0.00010 @Frequency 60.0 - 1.00e+6 Hz | ASTM D150 |
耐电弧性 | = 180 sec | = 180 sec | ASTM D495 |
成立日期 | 2013年09月12日 | ||
法定代表人 | 刘澜 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
经营范围 | 塑胶原料、橡胶原料、塑胶辅料、塑胶助剂、塑胶制品、塑胶模具、塑胶机械、五金制品、五金材料的销售;国内贸易,货物及技术进出口。(法律、行政法规、国务院决定禁止的项目除外,限制的项目须取得许可后方可经营)^; | ||
公司简介 | 深圳市绿点塑胶原料有限公司是一家塑胶原材料.高分子原材料.化工原材料供应商|新材料应用解决方案提供商。自成立以来,始终秉承“追求卓越尽善尽美专心专注专业”的经营的宗旨,始终追求以“环保、自然、科学、创新、未来”为目标的立体发展方向,专业为生产厂商解决塑胶原料及生产中各种难题。本公司是集料、工、贸于一体的综合性企业。深圳绿点塑胶是美国杜邦、德国拜耳、德国巴斯夫、德国朗盛、日本住友化学、日本旭化成、日 ... |
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