苏州环保教育拉链帆布袋订做 刺绣棉布购物涤纶布 广告宣传袋
更新:2025-02-02 07:00 编号:31202702 发布IP: 浏览:5次- 发布企业
- 温州市阿辉制袋有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第1年主体名称:温州市阿辉制袋有限公司组织机构代码:91330327MA2AQMJ29N
- 报价
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- 颜色
- 多色
- 品牌
- 阿辉
- 用途
- 通用
- 所在地
- 浙江省温州市苍南县龙港镇七河村118号一层
- 手机
- 13732083838
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- 13732083838
Suzhou Environmental Education Customized Zipper Canvas Bag,Embroidered Cotton Shopping Polyester Advertising Bag
Welcome to Suzhou, a city renowned for its rich culture,beautiful gardens, and commitment to environmental preservation. Inline with our city's values, we are proud to offer a wide range ofenvironmentally-friendly bags customized to suit your needs.Whether you are looking for a durable canvas bag with a zipper, anintricately embroidered cotton shopping bag, or a versatilepolyester advertising bag, we have the perfect solution foryou.
Our canvas bags are not just your ordinary bags. They arecarefully crafted with high-quality materials, ensuring theirdurability and long-lasting use. The addition of a zipper adds anextra layer of security, making it perfect for carrying yourbelongings when you're on the go. Whether you're heading to thegrocery store or going on a weekend getaway, our zipper canvas bagsare the perfect companion.
For those who appreciate the art of embroidery, our cottonshopping bags are a must-have. Each bag is meticulously embroideredby skilled artisans, adding a touch of elegance and uniqueness toyour daily shopping trips. Imagine carrying a bag adorned withbeautiful floral patterns or intricate designs, showcasing yourindividual style and supporting local craftsmanship. Our cottonshopping bags are not just functional, they are also a fashionstatement.
If versatility is what you're looking for, our polyesteradvertising bags are the perfect choice. Made from durable andwater-resistant material, these bags are ideal for promoting yourbrand or event. With the option to print your logo or customdesign, these bags serve as walking billboards, reaching a wideaudience wherever they go. Whether you're organizing a trade show,a company event, or simply want to raise brand awareness, ourpolyester advertising bags are a cost-effective and eye-catchingsolution.
At Suzhou Environmental Education, we believe in the power ofeducation and spreading awareness about environmental issues. Ourbags are not only designed to be eco-friendly, but they also serveas a platform for communication. By using our customized bags, youare not only showcasing your personal style or promoting yourbrand, but you are also contributing to the larger cause ofenvironmental preservation. Every time you use our bags, you aresending a message of sustainability and inspiring others to do thesame.
So why wait? Join us in embracing a greener future and make astatement with our environmentally-friendly bags. Contact us todayto discuss your needs and let us help you create the perfectcustomized bag for you. Together, we can make a difference.
- 购买优质环保袋:选择由可持续材料制成的环保袋,如有机棉、麻料或循环利用的塑料,可以降低对环境的影响。
- 重复使用环保袋:环保袋的制作过程耗费能源,应该尽可能多次使用环保袋,以减少资源消耗。
- 合理携带环保袋:随身携带一两个折叠式环保袋,可以随时购物时使用。这样可以避免购物塑料袋的使用,对环境更加友好。
- 注意环保袋的清洁:定期清洗环保袋,避免残留污渍或异味。可以使用温和的洗涤剂,手洗或机洗,以保持环保袋的清洁卫生。
- 避免长时间暴露在阳光下:环保袋的颜色可能会因为阳光暴晒而褪色。长时间暴露在阳光下可能会影响环保袋的外观。
- 合理储存环保袋:当暂时不需要使用环保袋时,应将其储存在干燥通风的地方。避免与尖锐物品接触,以免划破或损坏环保袋。
成立日期 | 2019年01月12日 | ||
主营产品 | 棉布袋、帆布袋、保温袋、冰包、麻布袋、编织袋、绒布袋、无纺布袋、束口袋、抽绳袋、布艺包装袋、收纳袋、展会礼品袋、杂粮袋、购物袋、手提袋、环保袋、宣传袋、食品包装袋、酒类包装袋、覆膜无纺布袋、抽绳束口袋 | ||
经营范围 | 覆膜袋 、棉布袋 、麻布袋 、黄麻袋 、保温包 、公交卡套 、牛津布袋 、双肩背包 、饭盒购物袋 、单肩斜挎包 、野餐包定制 、保温袋定制 、茶叶包装盒 、帆布单肩包 、包装袋定做 、保鲜便当包 、个性帆布袋 、手提购物袋 、简约购物袋 、定制文件包 、时尚帆布袋 、帆布包购物袋 、单肩购物帆布包 、手提帆布袋定制 、手提棉布购物袋 | ||
公司简介 | 温州阿辉制袋有限公司座落于中国印刷城,中国礼品城--温州龙港,本公司专业设计生产棉布袋、帆布袋、保温袋、冰包、麻布袋、编织袋、绒布袋、无纺布袋、束口袋、抽绳袋、布艺包装袋、收纳袋、展会礼品袋、杂粮袋、购物袋、手提袋、环保袋、宣传袋、食品包装袋、酒类包装袋、覆膜无纺布袋、抽绳束口袋等环保袋子及各类布包。源头厂家,十二年制袋经验,公司本着“守信守时,客户至上”的服务宗旨做事,在 ... |
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- 上海环保教育拉链帆布袋订做 环保棉布环保袋丝网印刷 托特包厂家用途:通用
- 温州彩印帆布袋生产厂家 棉布袋现货 购物袋图案设计颜色:多色
- 温州环保教育拉链帆布袋订做 棉布礼品手提袋 免费设计颜色:多色
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