氟化亚锡 Stannous flouride
分子式:H2F2Sn 分子量:158.7227
用 途:用于牙膏生产,以保护牙齿防止钙被溶出。日化行业用,减少药物过敏。用于钎焊铝合金的软钎剂。用作光谱纯试剂
性 质:白色单斜晶系结晶。熔点215℃。沸点850℃。溶于冷水和氢氟酸中。在水中易水解和氧化。
CAS NO.:7783-47-3
Molecularformula:H2F2Sn Molecularweight:158.7227
Application:Used in toothpaste production to protect teeth fromcalcium dissolution. Used in the daily chemical industry to reducedrug allergy. A solder used to braze aluminum alloys.
Property:White monoclinic crystals. The temperature of 215 ° C.The boiling point of 850 ° C. Soluble in cold water andhydrofluoric acid. It is easily hydrolyzed and oxidized inwater.