办公家具俄罗斯海关联盟EAC认证TRCU 025/2012
更新:2025-01-25 20:01 编号:12726818 发布IP: 浏览:32次- 发布企业
- 沃泰认证服务(苏州)有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第5年主体名称:沃泰认证服务(苏州)有限公司组织机构代码:91320594MA21LFFC0R
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- eac认证,cutr认证,俄罗斯认证
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技术法规TR CU025/2012关于家具安全规定了家具产品及其使用的要求,以保护生命、健康、财产和环境。标记旨在保护消费者免受滥用和误导性广告的侵害。
根据TR CU 025/2012家具的制造方式应符合家具安全要求。这些包括:
In contrast to the European Union,where the furniture isgenerally not subject to compulsory CE marking,there is a specialTechnical Regulation in the Eurasian Economic Union,which requiresconformity assessment and EAC marking.
The Technical Regulation TR CU 025/2012 On safety of furnituresets the requirements for furniture products and their use in orderto protect life,health,property and theenvironment.Furthermore,marking is intended to protect consumersagainst misuse and misleading advertising.
According to TR CU 025/2012,the furniture should be manufacturedin such a way that it meets the requirements of furnituresafety.These include:
mechanical safety机械安全
chemical safety化学品安全
hygienic safety卫生安全
fire safety防火安全
electrical safety电气安全
The compliance with the requirements of the Technical RegulationTR CU 025/2012 On safety of furniture is the prerequisite forsuccessful access to the Russian and Eurasian market.
Adopted on June 15,2012
Came into force on July 15,2014
On March 1,2016,the Technical Regulation TR CU 025/2012 replacedthe national standards of technical regulation in the field offurniture safety such as GOST or Russian TR.
Application area of TR CU 025/2012 On safety of furniture
The Technical Regulation TR CU 025/2012 applies to all furniturewhich is placed on the Eurasian market,i.e.either manufactured orimported from abroad.Individually crafted designer furniture isalso covered by these rules,while second-hand furniture is not.
TR CU 025/2012 Certificate applies to:EAC合格认证管制的产品范围:
children's furniture儿童家具
school furniture学校家具
nursery furniture托儿所家具
TR CU 025/2012 Declaration applies to:EAC符合性声明范围的家具产品
Other furniture for private and commercial use.Furnishings alsofall under conformity assessment in the form of an EACdeclaration.
TR CU 025/2012 does not apply to:EAC认证不适用的家具
furniture for use in dental,medical and veterinarypractice用于医疗或兽医的家具
furniture for use in travel by rail,sea and air用于铁路、船舶或航空的家具
antique furniture古董家具
second-hand furniture二手家具
sample furniture for advertising purposes用于广告目的的展示样品家具。
It is to be noted that,regardless of whether a product issubject to a conformity test according to TR CU 025/2012 ornot,they may also be subject to obligatory assessment according toother Technical Regulations,such as TR CU 004/2011 On safety oflow-voltage equipment or TR CU 010/2011 On safety of machinery andequipment.In addition,other proofs of conformity may be required.Incase of children's furniture,for instance,a compulsory TR fireprotection certificate or the state hygienic registration isrequired.
EAC marking EAC认证标志
Furniture which is confirmed to conform with the requirements ofTR CU 025/2012 must be marked with the EAC marking of the customsunion.Placing a product without the appropriate marking on themarket can be punished with a fine and confiscation.
The validity of EAC Certificate EAC认证有效期
The EAC Certificate for serial production is valid for 5years.
法定代表人 | 邱宝翠 | ||
注册资本 | 770万人民币 | ||
主营产品 | EAC认证,GOST认证,俄罗斯认证,CE认证,俄罗斯医疗器械注册,车辆认证 | ||
经营范围 | 许可项目:认证服务;电子认证服务;检验检测服务(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以审批结果为准)一般项目:货物进出口;技术进出口;知识产权服务;技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广;会议及展览服务;翻译服务;企业管理;信息咨询服务(不含许可类信息咨询服务);专用设备修理;电子产品销售;仪器仪表销售;机械设备销售;电气机械设备销售;化工产品销售(不含许可类化工产品);针纺织品及原料销售;食品经营(销售预包装食品)(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动) | ||
公司简介 | 沃泰认证服务(苏州)有限公司,总部位于俄罗斯莫斯科,专注于欧盟CE认证以及俄语区EAC认证、GOST认证。感谢您关注我们的产品,若您希望获得进一步的了解俄罗斯或者欧盟认证办理,欢迎您随时联络我们,诚邀为您提供最满意的服务,服务热线0512-63369271。 ... |
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